latest from the rda

About katuns

Katuns are ancient transhumant settlement scattered throughout Montenegro mountains, In old time cattle breeding has been main source of income, and providing pastures for the animals was highest priority. This is why many farmers moved high into the mountains with their cattle and stayed there for several months. This has been and still is a

The best of projects

Biking Trails

Cultural Routes

Fly Fishing Districts

Rural Tourism

Botanical Garden Velemun

NP Prokletije

Women Entrepreneurship

Youth Entrepreneurship

Regional Branding



Video prepared within project Responsible Innovations, funded by EU through South East Europe Programme, and implemented by Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije in Motenegro.

Film People from the Cursed mountains was awarded at International Tourism Film Festival in Solin in Croatia, and it won Wild Beauty award for 2014 in Kolasin.

Rural Development

Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije is one of the founders of the Network for Rural Development of Montenegro. The network was established on initiative of civil sector. Mreza za ruralni razvoj Crne Gore

Area of work


RDA is recipient of Wild Beauty award for 2013, for the contributions to development of tourism offer in Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije region. This award is given by National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro, and the ceremony is organised under patronage of President of Montenegro.

Budva, Hotel Splendid

Wild Beauty award for RDA, this time for the film People from the Cursed mountains, produced within Responsible Innovations project. The award was also given for the best rural household in tourism to Kljajic family, which is one of the families mentored by the RDA.

Kolašin, Hotel Lipka