RDA BKP is one of the winners of US Democracy Commission Small Grants Program for 2015, with a project dedicated to empowering rural women through rural tourism.
The main goal of this project is strengthening and promoting of women entrepreneurship in rural areas. Expected results of the action are:
- Database of potential agro tourism service providers created – database will be created after field assessment and shared with all relevant stakeholders (at least 60 households assessed)
- Increased capacities of rural households to provide services – set of trainings will be organized addressing the most important issues as well as study trip for the selected group of participants (at least 20 women trained)
- New tourism product promoted – this result will be achieved through preparation of promotional material and presentation of the newly developed offer at the fairs (at least 5000 people outreached to during promotional activities).
This project will last for 12 months and will be implemented in municipalities Plav, Gusinje, Andrijevica and Berane.