The regional branding of agricultural projects came to focus of RDA BKP work in the past period. The agricultural producers in dairy, honey, medical herbs, grain and vegetable sectors were assessed, best among them selected to participate in this activity. Market and outlet in Podgorica identified, and a set of activities related to design of labels, packaging and branding started. A bilingual promotional brochure was also designed and printed. Each of the selected producers was supplied with a cetain amount of labels and packaging for his products, based on the terms of the contract signed with each producer and with their financial contribution. This is a regional project with great potential for expansion, and RDA BKP is considering proposing it in IPA CBC call for Serbia and Montenegro. The ceremony of opening market where can be found branded regional products was held on 29th September with presence of numerous guests. Since then the interest in this project was continuous and strong, both from the potential buyers of regional products, and producers willing to join the project.