Regional conference ”Year round mountain tourism” was held in Kolasin on 15th September 2014 organized by the Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije. The event was attended by participants from the country and abroad, mainly relevant stakeholders for tourism sector. During one day conference overall touristic offer of the regiona was presented, in particular the new touristic products developed by the RDA BKP during 2013 and 2014 on the teritory of municipalities Kolašin, Mojkovac, Berane i Bijelo Polje.
The mentioned activities were part of the project ”Year round tourism in mountain destinations of B&H and Montenegro 365” implemented by the RDA BKP in cooperation with Sarajevo Development Agency SERDA, whithin the IPA programme of cross border cooperation B&H – MNE, financed by the European Union.
The participants had an opportunity to learn about the results of the implementation of the project and in particular with the new products:
- Biking and hiking trails
- Rural tourism
- Speleology cadastre
- Free climbing terrains
The conference was the opportunity for exchange of ideas and experiences among the tourism stakeholders on base of which the next steps in development of the summer tourist offer of the region were defined. At the same time, it was an opportunity for networking between the relevant organizations with aim of improved promotion of the region as the summer tourist destination.