Traditional event for Berane, Slaufijada, which was neglected in the past decade, has been revived on August 5th, 2012, as part of the Jos me ima festival, and in celebration of 150th anniversary of Berane. All generations were represented in the organization of the event. Senior citizens communicated their experiences to younger and taught them how to organize some of the traditional sections of this event. So the familiar sight of Berane youngsters sailing on the Lim river on old truck tires and competing for the first place in this competition resembled a lot the experience of their fathers some time ago. Local restaurants cooks and experienced fishermen were competing who will prepare most delicious fish soup in the main park in town. In the evening, a masked children, youth and many other citizens of Berane walked through the center of the town, and the peak of the evening was a masquerade ball, which brought together all generations and reawakened the dormant spirit of Berane of some time ago.