One of the most notable and important events in Jos me ima festival, in celebration of 150th anniversary of Berane was Ivangrad Fest, held on August 1st, 2nd and 3rd. This music festival has brought together a number of artists who belong to different musical directions, and this was what made this festival attractive for the local audience. The festival has also attracted considerable media attention and visitors from the region. Young people gathered in the NGO Concrete have been the organizers of this event, and are planning for this festival to become traditional event in Berane. Ivangrad Fest was organized with funding of the Austrian Development Agency, provided through the RDA, donations of private sector in Berane and support of local government and its institutions. Promotional activities for Ivangrad Fest for 2013 have already started, and it is expected that this event will be even better attended in future and become an excellent promotional engine for Berane. More information can be found on the Facebook page.