
Branding of Agricultural Projects

The regional branding of agricultural projects came to focus of RDA BKP work in the past period. The agricultural producers in dairy, honey, medical herbs, grain and vegetable sectors were assessed, best among them selected to participate in this activity. Market and outlet in Podgorica identified, and a set of activities related to design of

Regional Survey

RDA BKP finalized a regional survey meant to target public, private and civil sector with a regional SWOT analysis on needs, business environment, barriers and development plans and opportunities from the point of view of micro, small and medium enterprises, in tourism and economy in general. The feedback from all sides was excellent, and very

Study Trip

RDA BKP organized a seven day study trip to Slovenia and Germany in May. The purpose of the trip was to learn about the models of organization, work and financing of regional development agencies and the relation with local governments in these countries, learning more about regional branding as well as the usage of renewable

RDA held Management Board meeting

Management board meeting was held in Bijelo Polje, on December 15, 2011. Representatives of: ADA- Johannes Binder, Ministry of Tourism and Sustainable Development – Zoran Duletic, Municipality of Andrijevica- Miodrag Ivanovic,  Berane- Tatjana Malisic Delevic, Bijelo Polje- Radovan Obradovic, Kolasin- Darko Brajuskovic, Mojkovac- Dejan Medojevic, Plav- Skender Sarkinovic and  Biogradska Gora NP- Sasa Jeknic attended

Signalization for Top Biking Trail 3 set up along 350km of trail

Within the cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Sustainable Development and National Tourism Organization on diversification and improvement of tourism offer of the region, RDA has completed setting up of signalization on one of five national top mountain biking trails, TT3.  The standardized signalization(yellow aluminum signs and orange pictograms on metal poles and paint