The international conference “Responsible Innovation: The Southern European Way” will take place on 10 September 2014 in Mytilini (Lesvos, Greece).
The project FaRInn – Facilitating Responsible Innovation in SEE Countries is co-funded by the South East Europe Programme for territorial cooperation.
The project brings together 8 partners from 7 countries. These partners work together to enhance framework conditions and pave the way for an innovation model in South East Europe, which respects the principles of sustainability, social responsibility and better quality of life. In other words: Responsible Innovation.
Organised by the Region of North Aegean and the FaRInn project partners, the Final Conference not only represents not only an important moment to discuss the finding of FaRInn project, but also to debate how to take the concept of Responsible Innovation forward at local level, across the South East Europe area and beyond. Participants are also invited to an afternoon study visit to see Responsible Innovation in action.
For more information on the event, including the programme and logistics, visit the web site (www.farinn.eu)
To register: farinn@ciseonweb.it
The Conference will also be visible on web-streaming via the FaRInn project website and through twitter updates (https://twitter.com/FARINNproject – @FARINNproject).