EU funded project “365” has provided an opportunity to assist first rural households in the region in agro tourism. On March 10 2014, an announcement was published inviting households from Lipovo in Kolasin, Bistrica in Bijelo Polje and Lubnice in Berane, with guidelines for all interested households on how to apply. RDA received 21 applications from these three villages, and evaluation committee selected six best applications who were awarded grants in the value of 2000 euros to assist them in improving conditions in their households for agro tourism.
Selected households have, aside from grants, received technical assistance, such as trainings on topics relevant for this activity. Three training sessions have been held, on May 9 in Kolasin, May 17 in Berane and June 28 in Bijelo Polje, and each household have also had on site mentoring assistance, all with the aim to better prepare for this new activity.