One of the activities which Regional Development Agency (RDA) has been implementing in the module of mountain tourism is to support Mountain Rescue Services of Montenegro (MRS) in a variety of activities.
The Mountain Rescue Service is a national, humanitarian, professional, non-profit organization performing the activities in the interest of the Republic of Montenegro, with the main goal to provide assistance and rescue people in the inaccessible mountain areas. For a year now, with support of the RDA and Ministry of Tourism and Sustainable Development of Montenegro, series of trainings and capacity building activities are organized, with the aim to extend mountain rescue services t Kolasin and Zabljak. MRS does not have sufficient number of sets of equipment for rescuers in these two areas, so procurement of additional equipment is also part of this project. USAID’s Economic Growth Project joined this initiative and decided to allocate some of their resources for procurement of the equipment. Delivery of this valuable equipment will be organized in January. Total value of this project is 35.000€.