Mediterranean Giahs Sites Network To Promote Sustainable Agricultural Tourism (MED GIAHS)

Programme: Interreg EURO-MED

Project Duration: 27 months

Project Start: January 1, 2024 

Project End: March 31, 2026 

EU Contribution: 789.626,24 EUR

Partners’ contribution: 197.406,56 EUR

Total project budget: 987.032,80 EUR



Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development of Andalusia, CAPADR- Spain (Lead partner)

Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije, RDA BKP- Montenegro

Panhellenic Association of Landscape Architects- PHALA, Greece

Council of the Orchard of Valencia, CHdV- Spain

University of Florence, UNIFI-DAGRI- Italy

Pazardzhik Regional Administration, PRA- Bulgaria

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Special Account for Research Funs, AUTH- Greece



Project Description


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations implements the GIAHS – Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems program, which helps to identify ways to mitigate the threats these systems face and enhance the benefits derived from these dynamic systems.


Globally important agricultural heritage systems recognize exceptional land use systems and landscapes full of life and biodiversity, resilient ecosystems, and valuable cultural heritage managed by farmers, herders, fishermen, and others. Through the “MED GIAHS” project, sustainable tourism strategies for GIAHS in the Mediterranean are being developed. This includes writing and publishing a practical guide on how to develop action plans in each territory, a GIAHS training plan for local stakeholders, and a catalog of tourism experiences related to GIAHS.


Regarding Montenegro, there are plans to introduce katuns into the GIAHS program through the project in order to receive adequate protection and all the benefits that this program brings with it.


Project main aim


The main goal of the project is to enhance the role of sustainable tourism in protecting agricultural sites that are currently facing numerous threats due to modern way of life and human impact on nature. The project aims to develop these sites into prominent sustainable tourism destinations.


By integrating heritage preservation, tradition, and innovation in a distinctive manner, and by promoting sustainable agricultural tourism as a means to foster rural development, the project will help safeguard and promote unique agricultural systems.


Results/ Activities


The project aims to carry out numerous activities in collaboration with project partners, local residents, and officials from local public authorities. A key activity involves adapting, enhancing, and validating the VALSIPAM project strategy for sustainable agricultural tourism and valorization. Collaboration and communication at all levels will facilitate the transfer of knowledge, and the MED GIAHS network will strive to promote sustainable agricultural tourism.


The project’s outcomes will be applicable to all MED-GIAHS locations and will involve enhancing a sustainable tourism strategy and network for sharing and support. The anticipated results for existing and potential GIAHS sites in the MED region include joint guides for local action plans, implementation of best practices, catalogs, and training and information materials. The primary outcome will be the establishment of an innovative tourism-focused MED-GIAHS network, which will enhance the sustainability of existing and future candidate MED-GIAHS. The ultimate goal, particularly for Montenegro, is to integrate katuns into the GIAHS network and secure appropriate protection and the benefits offered by the program.


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