Support to small scale tourism businesses in rural communities

Project title: Support to small scale tourism businesses in rural communities
Donor: Kingdom of Norway

Cost of the project: 43.600,00 USD
Amount contributed by donor: 43.600,00 USD
Implementation period: From 11.03.2020 – 11. 01. 2021


The proposed project bases on interventions that strengthen the capacities of small businesses in the rural regions of northern Montenegro.

The project builds on the available resources of the region, combining human resources, natural resources and cultural heritage. It focuses on rural tourism that represents a feasible economic opportunity for residents of underdeveloped rural regions of Montenegro, supporting the employment and creating income generating opportunities for the rural women and young people.


The project implementation includes two clusters of activities: 1) Small scale investments in technical capacities of beneficiaries that will enable operation of the family businesses in provision of tourism services.   2) Promotion activities that will support small businesses to reach out towards the tourism market.


The proposed activities were logically planned to contribute to specific objective: Improving capacities of rural households for provision of tourism services. The implementation will directly contribute to development of 8 small scale businesses in sector of tourism. The direct beneficiaries will have tangible benefits from project implementation. Apart from necessary investments in traditional old houses, the project will ensure improved presence of small scale family businesses in tourism market. The selected beneficiaries will become good practice examples in their communities which will generate interest of other families that share similar living conditions. The project aims to facilitate the local communities in recognizing the potentials for small scale business development.