Improving traditional cheese making in the North of Montenegro (ValueCheese)

Project title: Improving traditional cheese making in the North of Montenegro (ValueCheese)

Donor: EU – IPA (Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2012-2013)

Cost of the project: 20.385,19 euros

Amount contributed by donor: 16.104,30 euros

Implementation period: From 02.09.2016 to 02.12.2017.


The overall objective of this project is to transfer know-how for improved dairy production and valorization of traditional dairy products in Montenegro.


The specific objective is to add value in cheese production in the North of Montenegro through cooperation between academic and business sector in the field of food safety, quality and product standardization.


The results achieved through the implementation of this project are:

  1. Improved capacities of the cheese producers in the field of food safety and quality within the dairy chain
  2. Introduction of the standards in cheese production – improvement of conditions for production as well as creating of preconditions for fulfillment of complex demands in the future
  3. Improvement of cheese production technology but with preservation of the traditional way of cheese production and introduction of new products at the same time.
  4.  Finding and establishing of marketing system for dairy producers – increase of products competitiveness.