Economic Empowerment of Women

Kristina-Bulatovic_Page_11Project title: Economic Empowerment of Women

Donor: EU, through UNDP

Cost of the project: 48,180.00 euros

Amount contributed by donor: 24,880.00 euros

Implementation period: From 25.12.2011. to 25.06.2012

Description of the project: The main objective of this assignment was to raise the number of women entrepreneurs in the rural areas of Municipalities of Mojkovac and Kolasin.


The main results: 


1. Improved entrepreneurship capacities of 40 women from Mojkovac and Kolasin through relevant trainings.


2. Financial assistance provided to 19 best business plans prepared by female entrepreneurs in Mojkovac and Kolasin.


3. Female Entrepreneusrhip day organized in Podgorica, where women from Kolasin, Mojkovac, Pljevlja and Cetinje presented their work and products.


Produced materials: