Project title: Facilitating responsible innovation in SEE Countries (FaRInn)
Donor: EU – South East Europe transnational program
Cost of the project: 120,642.15 euros
Amount contributed by donor: 102.545,83 euros
Implementation period: From 28.09.2012 to 30.09.2014
Description of the project: The main objective of the project is to enhance framework conditions and pave the way for a responsible innovation model in South East Europe, which respects the principles of sustainability, social responsibility and better quality of life.
The specific objectives of the FaRInn project are to:
1. Promote exchange among regions in the SEE programme area on experiences, constraints and good practices related to responsible innovation;
2. Define and reach a joint understanding of the necessary framework conditions for responsible innovation;
3. Analyze and compare the current status, threats and opportunities in partner countries in terms of framework conditions for responsible innovation;
4. Strengthen the capacity of innovation actors to design and implement responsible innovation strategies;
5. Raise awareness of the benefits, potential and mechanisms of responsible innovation among identified key innovation actors and stakeholders, and among the wider public;
6. Design, apply and test elements of a responsible policy model for innovation in different areas of the SEE programme area;
7. Design local and transnational Action Plans, with relative recommendations, for the future of policies and initiatives for responsible innovation in each partner area and at overall territorial level;
8. Transfer lessons learned on responsible innovation to at least 3 regions in the programme area. Outputs of this project are promotional video on responsible innovation in Prokletije area, brochure on Leaders in Responsible Innovation, as well as guidelines for entrepreneurs on legal framework for registering their activities in the field of agriculture and tourism.
Produced materials:
- People from the Cursed Mountains
- Leaders of Responsible Innovations
- Guidelines
- Recommendations