Project Name: Preserving cultural landscape of Albania and Montenegro
Project value: 404582 Euros
Donor Contribution: 345,600.00 Euros
Implementation period: 06/04/2018 to 06/04/2020
Overall objective of the project is to enhance the competitiveness of the tourism sector by the economic valorisation of the cultural and natural heritage, while specific objective is to preserve traditional architecture as significant part of cultural heritage of cross-border are The results to be achieved by the project are:
Result 1: Preservation and sustainable exploitation of the cultural heritage in terms of tourism ensured – development of study on the subject of traditional architectural types in the region, development of modern designs based on traditional architecture, recommendations on improvements to be made on existing buidlings, and organization of work camp with rural households active in rural tourism on the subject of traditional interior design.
Result 2: Access to local culture for tourism purposes and for local population facilitated – cultural landscaping activities in 4 communities, adaptation of 6 traditional buildings (water mills and water wells), set up ethno rooms in two villages active in tourism, development of cultural route and promotional material for it.
Result 3: Knowledge and awareness of the cultural heritage in cross-border area increased – Organization of exhibitions of traditional architecture styles in modern buildings in at least 6 towns in cross-border area, preparation of series of articles in targeted magazines on the topic of traditional elements in modern architecture and importance of preserving cultural heritage, development of promotional and educational materials targeting local population
RDA is the partner in Montenegro, Polimski Museum id the lead applicant, and partners from Albania are EuroPartners Development from Tiarana and Regional Council of Shkoder.