Project title: Rural development driven by rural civil society organizations
Donor: EU – IPA II
Project value: 240.001,60 EUR
Donor contribution: 216.001,50 EUR
Implementation period: 01.10.2017 – 31.03.2020
Project Objectives: The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the influence of civil society, through its involvement in the development of public policies, civil dialogue and decision-making processes. This objective will be achieved through the proposed activities, by development of the capacities of rural civil society organizations for advocacy, lobbying and networking, as well as better knowledge of the policies and processes relevant to their field of activity. The specific objective of the project is to improve the capacity of rural organizations for networking and lobbying in order to influence decision-making processes.
Partners on the project:
CNVP (Connecting Natural Values & People Foundation), Netherlands
Union of livestock producers in northern Montenegro
Associated partner: Network for rural development of Montenegro
Printed material: Support to civil society organizations to contribute more effectively to the rural development of Montenegro